Testimonials from Family Members of Clients
Randy has received praise from the families of clients, as reflected by the following letters:
Evelyn Crum wrote the following letter to Randy after federal habeas corpus relief was denied in her son Aaron's case:​“I want to thank Randy Schaffer for representing my son. My son found Randy using the prison law library and reading his cases. My son said Randy’s reputation precedes him. We were honored to have him represent my son. We did not win the habeas corpus case. However, we received the best representation. Randy kept us updated through the long court process and was always available to answer our questions. I highly recommend Randy to anyone in need of legal representation. He is not only an exceptional attorney but also a compassionate, kind, and understanding individual. Win or lose, you will have the best representation.”
Sue Politte wrote the following letter to Randy after receiving the reply brief in her son's federal habeas corpus proceeding;"Reads excellent to me. Powerful, precise, and concise. You slammed the nail on the head."​
Marcia Lewis wrote the following letter to Randy after receiving a copy of her son's application for a writ of habeas corpus:
"Thank you for the copy of the writ. We're blown away with it. Every detail is amazing. Thank you."
Susa Glenn wrote the following letter to Randy after her friend was denied habeas corpus relief:
“Thank you Randy for your excellent work and for your professionalism. Although the effort failed, I am secure in the knowledge that everything you did was first class and I know that we did everything we could.”
Arlene Holford wrote the following letter to Randy after her son was denied habeas corpus relief:
"Thank you for diligently representing us in David's case. We both recognize and appreciate all your outstanding efforts. You are the best attorney in Texas. You did everything possible. I find a certain comfort in the fact that you uncovered so much to prove the injustice of the trial."
Lee Smith, a character witness, wrote the following letter to Randy after his friend, Jack Liston, was acquitted of aggravated assault:
"While growing up, my older brother helped take care of some of Percy Foreman's rent properties. I can remember him telling about some of the stories Mr. Foreman told him about his cases. Over the years as I got older I would read about Mr. Foreman in the newspaper and some of his high profile cases. I came to the conclusion, as many others did, that he was one of the great attorneys of our time. I have never been in a courtroom to hear a case or the closing arguments, but yesterday in Jack Liston's trial I heard a closing argument that I bet was as good as any Percy Foreman ever gave. You hit a GRAND SLAM. I don't know how Jack found you, but he was blessed to have you as his attorney. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being Jack's attorney."
A client’s sister posted this review on Avvo after her brother’s habeas corpus hearing:
"Randy fought hard for my brother. In court, he looked like a father fighting for his own son. My family and I will always be eternally grateful to him. He kept us informed every step of the way and went above and beyond. He knows the law better than anyone in the state. Masterfully skilled legal expert in criminal appeals, he argues on paper and in court with such ease and confidence. He is well-prepared, detailed, respectful, and a strong advocate. I highly recommend this lawyer!"
Brennan Murphy wrote the following letter to Randy after the Court of Criminal Appeals granted Heath Stoneman a new trial and he was released on a personal bond:
"Thanks, Randy. When Randall Adams got out, he said you are the best attorney in Texas. I think you're one of the best attorneys of all time in any jurisdiction in any period in history. The electronic monitoring guy told Heath today he's worked there for 25 years and has never seen anyone get out with 4 felony charges like that. It's never been done. He's never seen it."
Brennan Murphy wrote the following letter to Randy after the evidentiary hearing in the Heath Stoneman habeas corpus proceeding:
"The feedback from everyone including the guards who observed the proceedings yesterday was that you did a great job start to finish. Heath told his mom that after the guards took him away, they asked, 'Where did you find that attorney? He was amazing!' I figure that’s coming from people who watch court all day every day. You exceeded my expectations. I was worried you’d forget some key detail but throughout the proceedings you pulled every relevant detail and just mastered the case from a factual point of view."
Brennan Murphy wrote Randy the following letter after receiving a copy of the reply brief filed on behalf of his friend, Heath Stoneman:
“I had to re-read this again to be sure I was right about how good it is. I was right. It is awesome. This filing turns the prosecutor and defense counsel into punching bags. Every section has a solid pop to the head. I loved it! Thank you! This is the defense I wanted for my friend. Great job.”
Darla Whisenant, the defendant’s sister, wrote the following letter to Randy after receiving a copy of the application for a writ of habeas corpus:
“Reading your work is exhilarating. I am amazed by your depth of knowledge on this case and your ideas and applications. We are very grateful for you.”
The wife of a lawyer whose felony charges were dismissed wrote the following letter to Randy:
“On this joyous day, I want to take this moment to thank you for your patience, steady hand, and wisdom during these difficult years. I know at times we have been impatient, but you have always guided us with your decisions. I am grateful to you for your representation of my husband. Neither of us has yet felt free of the 2,000 pound elephant sitting on our shoulders, but I know that in the coming days the reality will set in and we will begin the process of recovery from what can only be described as three years of post-traumatic stress and anger. With sincere appreciation for all you have done and said.”
Bonnie Drew wrote the following letter to Randy during his representation of her son, serving a life sentence for murder, in a habeas corpus proceeding:
“We appreciate your thorough investigation and the detailed report you provided us today. The way you presented it was extremely helpful to us--all based on the facts and relevant points of law. Most of all, it gave us a sense of calmness. Of all the lawyers we have worked with, we have never seen anyone so thorough and well organized and totally focused. We appreciate that more than you can imagine.”
Lisa Threet wrote the following letter to Randy during his representation of her son, serving a 20-year sentence for manslaughter, in a habeas corpus proceeding:
“It’s only two small words but they are said with BIG heartfelt thanks for all that you have done for Brandon. We received our paperwork and Thank You for everything. It all looks and sounds great. We are jazzed about his case! Thank you for all of your hard work and for taking on Brandon’s case. If not for you we wouldn’t even stand a chance. So again Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!”
The Campos family wrote the following letter to Randy during his representation of their son, serving a life sentence for murder, in a habeas corpus proceeding:
“As a family we recognize that our involvement with the justice system is far from over. However, we already desire to express how truly grateful we are for you not only deciding to take our case but moreover for your highly professional work and your seemingly exhaustless tenacity in your representation. There were several things we took note of and from the very beginning you distinguished yourself. Especially during your argument before the court, where you enumerated the issues which require an evidentiary hearing, we commonly felt as though you held our very own convictions. You even stood up to “his honor” in asserting your views when he dissented. That said and meant a lot to us. For all your efforts…as a family, we thank you.”
Wanda Powell wrote the following letter to Randy after observing him present argument at a habeas corpus hearing for Gary Lewis, serving a 12-year sentence for murder:
“You could see from the demeanor of the judge as well as the other judge who stayed to observe the hearing that they knew they were in the presence of a well-recognized specialist in criminal cases. I loved it! Good job Randy and Josh! Thank you again for all your expertise!”
Carlos Bounds wrote the following letter to Randy after the evidentiary hearing in her son’s habeas corpus proceeding:
“You handled yourself in such a way that I wanted to just call everyone to see you at work. There was not a stone that you didn’t turn to prove the case. It is a fight to the finish. I have the attorney that I know can get the job done. I am very proud of your professionalism, demeanor, attitude, and your heart for justice.”
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas wrote the following letter to Randy after he persuaded a juvenile court not to transfer their son from a juvenile detention facility to state prison:
“We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the enormous efforts of you and your staff in defense of our son. Words cannot express the gratefulness that we feel toward your personal involvement and care.”
Jim McCloskey, the president of Centurion Ministries, an organization that investigates the wrongful convictions of innocent prisoners, wrote the following letter to Randy during his representation of A.B. Butler (later proven to be innocent) in post-conviction proceedings:
“I want you to know that not only does A.B. and his family thank God you are on this case, but so do I. Your experience, skill, and patience are vast and without equal. As I know you will, please keep up your unflagging efforts on behalf of A.B. to assure his freedom as soon as possible, and his pardon as soon as practicable. Neither of us can rest until he is free and clear.”
Mr. McCloskey also wrote the following letter to Randy during his representation of Juan Chavez in post-conviction proceedings:
“I just read your brief on behalf of Juan. BRAVO! Your words are so direct and unequivocal. They ring with clarity. Thank you for being such a strong advocate.”
Mr. and Mrs. Evans wrote the following letter to Randy after he favorably resolved their son’s aggravated sexual assault charge:
“We are sending our heartfelt thanks for your expert knowledge and help in getting all three of us through a heartbreaking, heart-stopping ordeal. We shall be eternally grateful for your guidance and work. We will always consider you a dear friend who lent a helping hand when we needed one so badly. God bless you always.”
Mrs. Belin wrote the following letter to Randy after her son was acquitted on a drug possession charge:
“Just a quick note from a grateful mother. You were so diligent in preparing everything for us and so reassuring that you really were a help to this harried mother. As you conducted yourself and I saw how competent and well-spoken you were, I felt myself relaxing. I am sure you will have many years of helping heartsick, frightened people through many agonizing hours. They will be grateful to you too, but for this moment, please know how much we appreciate you!”